Municipality of Oppdal

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On these pages you will find information about Oppdal and Norway.
Below there are different types of local information and links to national websites. We hope this could be of interest both for new inhabitants and for visitors in Oppdal and in Norway.

About Oppdal

Oppdal is one of the largest local councils of Mid-Norway, located in the mountains between the two great mountain regions Dovrefjell and Trollheimen. More than 55% of the area is national park or protected landscape. The place has a population figure of 7100 people.

There is short distance to the nearest cities at the coast, Molde, Kristiansund and Trondheim. Respectively 2 hours by car to Molde and Kristiansund, and 1.5 hour by train to Trondheim. That’s why Oppdal has the largest number of private cabins in the Central and Northern Norway, approximately 4100, and almost 500,000 visitors a year. In addition 200,000 guests stay at different commercial accomodations.

Besides Røros, Oppdal is the only inland council of Central Norway with population growth over the last 20 years. Oppdal also has the largest volume of trade per inhabitant in the county by 132.000 NOK a year.

The region has a wide structure of employment. The largest employment comes from industrial activity. Oppdal also provides a large number of jobs in travel, building and farming. Oppdal has the largest sheep ranges in the country with approximately 45,000 sheep in the mountains each summer. In addition Oppdal is known for its slate industry, producing the only building material more valuable for each year in use.

You can reach Oppdal by either railroad or the European highway 6 (E6).

Contact information

You are welcome to contact/visit Oppdal service center:

If you need help filling out applicationforms etc. you can contact our Serviceoffice. They will help you translate and to fill out the forms correctly.

Location: Oppdal Rådhus, Inge Krokanns veg 2, 7340 Oppdal

Main telephone: 72 40 10 00


Emergency telephone: 110 for fire, 112 for police and 113 for ambulance

Useful links

New in Norway

NAV The Norwegian labour and welfare administration
Location: NAV Oppdal, Oppdal Rådhus, tel. 55 55 33 33

UDI – Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
Information about work, permit and education for foreigners

The Norwegian Police

The Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA)

Publisert: 25.02.2016
Sist endret: 25.02.2016 13.57